by Rachel May | Nov 15, 2022
change is always happening
Life is always throwing change (expected or unexpected) our way; it's nearly impossible for us to avoid. Change presents a myriad of challenges and is uncomfortable, frustrating and downright difficult...but why?
how our brain processes change
To understand a simple way as to how our brains process change, look at it this way : As we experience our world, our brains are constantly taking in new information and then categorizing it. In regard to change, look at two categories:
1- The "safe" category contains what is known and familiar, therefore it is seen to be non-threatening. The brain also sees the familiar as the "path of least resistance" (though that isn't always in alignment with the situation/circumstance).
2- The "unsafe" category contains what information has been taken in and seen as dangerous or misunderstood. This brain can also see learning new habits, routines, systems and process as unsafe as it does not alwasy feel it needs to expel the extra energy to learn new ways.
So basically, our brains are hardwired to resist change at all costs. Change means that what was known will be left for the unknown. Even if we are prepared for a change, there are still elements of the unforeseen that can make it a bit scary. When change happens (especially unexpected change) our brain has a difficult time leaving behind what has been established and what is familiar. It's natural for our brains to want to fall into old patterns because it feels it's the path of least resistance, but that isn't always the case.
Though we are naturally inclined to problem solve, if the change presented is perceived as affecting our safety/stability or comfort, we are much more likely to resist or abandon the change all together. In an attempt to preserve ourselves as we are, our minds will tirelessly try to give reasons why we don't need to or can't change.
Sometimes it isn't the initial thought of change that is resisted, but the follow through. When it comes to habits and what is comfortable, the brain will still kick into high resistance mode. So even exchanging unhealthy behaviors or habits for better ones, when things start to get a bit tough, again the resistance kicks in.
use change as an opportunity to grow
What is important to understand is that we have control and we can embrace change and adapt for our own self-improvement. It all starts in the mind, so getting out ahead of things and consciously framing our perspective into one that is working for us will be paramount when it comes to change.
In addition to a positive perspective, having a growth mindset is crucial. Basically, this means having the humility to receive difficult feedback, the strength to take meaningful action and commit to follow through to the end.
Change will happen (whether we like it or not). The least we can do is anticipate the unknown and prepare ourselves to attain as many beneficial outcomes as possible. If we see the obstacles and challenges as opportunities to increase our knowledge and enhance our skills, then nothing really can really shake us in a way that we won't be able to bounce back. Embracing change and taking control of our lives will create resiliency and strength that is needed to navigate through all the ups and downs life throws our way.
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